請將該貨物于下星期五以前, 裝"Dongola"號輪, 運往紐約, 并按2000美元投保平安險。
The packages should be forwarded to New York for shipment per m.s. "Dongola" not later than
Friday next, and insured for $2,000, F.P.A.
請將保管在貴公司30包棉花, 運交岡田公司, 并將提單寄本公司。
Please ship my thirty bales cotton, now kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. Okada & Co., and
forward B/L to me.
復貴公司5月15日來函, 請將本公司的10包貨物, 盡快用火車運來, 并請標注嘜頭。1-10。其余90包, 請用下
In reply to your letter of the 15th May, please send ten bales of our goods, marked 。 1-10, by
rail as soon as possible to our address, and the other ninety bales afterwards by next steamer.
請速將保管在貴公司倉庫的70包山羊板皮, 運交倫敦的懷特公司, 并將提單寄交我處。
Please ship as soon as possible seventy bales of goat skins, kept in your warehouse, to Messrs.
White & Co. in Londong, and send me the Bill of Lading.