尼日利亞貿易辦事處. 屬于尼日利亞聯邦政府, 是尼日利亞聯邦共和國和中華人民共和國兩國政府共同簽訂協議書之后在上海成立的, 其主要職能旨在促進和加強中尼兩國之間的貿易關系.
尿素的指標如下: UREA 46-0-0 Nitrogen Content - 46% as N minimum Moisture Content - Not exceeding 0.5% Biuret Content - Not exceeding 1.5% Physical Condition - Good granular integrity, free flowing, dust free, non-caking, white crystalline.
同時我處還大量求購NPK 15-15-15,治標如下: NPK 15-15-15 Nitrogen Content - 15% N minimum; (40% nitrate, 60% ammoniaca) Phosphorus - 15% P205: 100% citrate soluble of which one third is water soluble Potassium - 15% K2O; as muriate of potash; 100% water soluble. Moisture Content - Not more than 1% Screen analysis - Minus 2mm: maximum 5%, between 2-4 mm; minimum 90% plus 4mm: maximum 5% Physical Condition - Good granular integrity, free flowing, dust free non-caking.