產品名稱:乙二胺四乙酸四鈉鹽 分子式:C10H12N2O8Na4.4H2O 分子量:452.2 CAS No:[13236-36-4] 別名:Na4EDTA;EDTANa4
物化性質: 乙二胺四乙酸四鈉鹽為白色結晶粉末,呈堿性,易溶于水,不溶于醇。
應用范圍: 作為螯合劑可廣泛應用于工業清洗、日用化學品、造紙和紡織、微量元素肥料、攝影化學、印刷油墨、食品、聚合反應、化學鍍層等。
項目 指標 外觀 白色結晶粉末 含量,% ≥ 99.0 PH (1%水溶液) 10.5 ---11.5
包裝貯存: 采用內襯塑復合包裝袋,25KG/袋;本品宜貯存在陰涼干燥的庫房,忌與酸、氧化劑混存,忌光、熱,不用時保持密閉。
蘇州聯勝化學有限公司 TEL:0512-6590 6880 FAX:0512-6590 6881
Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate tetrahydrate
Chemical name : Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate tetrahydrate Chemical formula : C10H12N2O8Na4.4H2O Molecular weight : 452.2 CAS No: [13236-36-4] Synonyms: Na4EDTA ; EDTANa4 ; Tetrasodium EDTA Physical properties :
Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate tetrahydrate is a dry, white crystalline powder and appears alkali in water, it is soluble in water and insoluble in alcohols .
Applications : As one chelating agent ,it can be used in industrial cleaning, personal and household uses, Bleaching of pulp and textiles, Micronutrients for agriculture, Photo processing, Printing ink manufacturing , Food, Polymer processing and Metal plating etc Specification :
item guaranteed appearance white crystalline powder assay ,%, ≥ 99.0 PH (1% in water ) 10.5 ---11.5
Packaging and storage
packed in complex bag with plastic inner, 25KG net per bag .stored in cool and dry warehouse , away from acids , oxides, light and heater .sealed after use .
for more information and sample ,please make reference our MSDS or dialing with us
SUZHOU LIANSHENG CHEMISTRY CO, .LTD. TEL: (0086)512-6590 6880 FAX: (0086)512-6590 6881